Chatbot Variables Documentation


This document provides a comprehensive overview of the various types of variables available in a chatbot, along with their descriptions, definitions, and the corresponding evaluation paths.

Variable Types

Message Variables

These variables are related to the message sent by the user.

Variable Description Evaluation Path
MessageType The type of the message (e.g., text, image, video) PerceptData.MessageType
MessageText The text content of the message PerceptData.MessageData.Text
MessageCaption The caption of the message (e.g., for images or videos) PerceptData.MessageData.Caption
MessageDate The date and time when the message was sent PerceptData.MessageDate
MessageEditDate The date and time when the message was last edited PerceptData.EditDate

Event Variables

These variables are related to events that occur in the chat, such as a user joining or leaving the chat.

Variable Description Evaluation Path
EventType The type of the event (e.g., new chat, user joined, user left) PerceptData.EventType
EventNewChatTitle The title of the new chat PerceptData.EventData.NewChatTitle
NewChatUserUsername The username of the new chat user PerceptData.EventData.NewChatUser.Username
NewChatUserFirstName The first name of the new chat user PerceptData.EventData.NewChatUser.FirstName
NewChatUserLastName The last name of the new chat user PerceptData.EventData.NewChatUser.LastName
NewChatUserLanguageCode The language code of the new chat user PerceptData.EventData.NewChatUser.LanguageCode
NewChatUserIsBot Indicates whether the new chat user is a bot PerceptData.EventData.NewChatUser.IsBot
LeftChatUserUsername The username of the user who left the chat PerceptData.EventData.LeftChatUser.Username
LeftChatUserFirstName The first name of the user who left the chat PerceptData.EventData.LeftChatUser.FirstName
LeftChatUserLastName The last name of the user who left the chat PerceptData.EventData.LeftChatUser.LastName
LeftChatUserLangugeCode The language code of the user who left the chat PerceptData.EventData.LeftChatUser.LanguageCode
LeftChatUserIsBot Indicates whether the user who left the chat is a bot PerceptData.EventData.LeftChatUser.IsBot

Signal Variables

These variables are related to signals that are triggered in the chatbot.

Variable Description Evaluation Path
SignalName The name of the signal that was triggered PerceptData.Name

Attribute Variables

These variables are related to various attributes associated with the chatbot, user, chat, or chat user.

Variable Description Evaluation Path
OwnerAttribute Attributes associated with the chatbot owner OwnerAttribute
UserAttribute Attributes associated with the user UserAttribute
ChatAttribute Attributes associated with the chat ChatAttribute
ChatUserAttribute Attributes associated with the chat user ChatUserAttribute

User Variables

These variables are related to the user interacting with the chatbot.

Variable Description Evaluation Path
UserUserId The unique identifier of the user User.UserId
UserUsername The username of the user User.Username
UserFirstName The first name of the user User.FirstName
UserLastName The last name of the user User.LastName
UserLanguageCode The language code of the user User.LanguageCode
UserIsBot Indicates whether the user is a bot User.IsBot
UserName The full name of the user User.Name
UserPhoneNumber The phone number of the user User.PhoneNumber

Chat Variables

These variables are related to the chat in which the user is interacting with the chatbot.

Variable Description Evaluation Path
ChatId The unique identifier of the chat Chat.ChatId
ChatTitle The title of the chat Chat.Title
ChatType The type of the chat (e.g., private, group) Chat.ChatType
ChatUsername The username of the chat Chat.ChatUsername

Terminal Variables

These variables are related to the terminal or environment in which the chatbot is running.

Variable Description Evaluation Path
BotType The type of the bot Bot.BotType
BotName The name of the bot Bot.Name

State Variables

These variables are related to the state of the chatbot during execution.

Variable Description Evaluation Path
StateHearType The type of the “hear” state HearType
StatePerceptType The type of the “percept” state PerceptData.PerceptType
ActionResult The result of the executed action ExecutionResult

Forwarded Message Variables

These variables are related to messages that have been forwarded to the chatbot.

Variable Description Evaluation Path
ForwardedMessageAuthorUserId The unique identifier of the author of the forwarded message PerceptData.Forward.Author.UserId
ForwardedMessageAuthorUsername The username of the author of the forwarded message PerceptData.Forward.Author.Username
ForwardedMessageAuthorFirstName The first name of the author of the forwarded message PerceptData.Forward.Author.FirstName
ForwardedMessageAuthorLastName The last name of the author of the forwarded message PerceptData.Forward.Author.LastName
ForwardedMessageAutorLanguageCode The language code of the author of the forwarded message PerceptData.Forward.Author.LanguageCode
ForwardedMessageAuthorName The full name of the author of the forwarded message PerceptData.Forward.Author.Name
ForwardedMessageChatId The unique identifier of the chat where the forwarded message originated PerceptData.Forward.Origin.ChatId
ForwardedMessageChatType The type of the chat where the forwarded message originated PerceptData.Forward.Origin.ChatType
ForwardedMessageChatTitle The title of the chat where the forwarded message originated PerceptData.Forward.Origin.ChatTitle
ForwardedMessageOriginalMessageDate The date and time when the forwarded message was originally sent PerceptData.Forward.OriginalMessageDate

Reply To Message Variables

These variables are related to messages that the chatbot is replying to.

Variable Description Evaluation Path
ReplyToMessageType The type of the message being replied to PerceptData.ReplyToMessage.MessageType
ReplyToMessageText The text content of the message being replied to PerceptData.ReplyToMessage.MessageData.Text
ReplyToMessageMessageCaption The caption of the message being replied to PerceptData.ReplyToMessage.MessageData.Caption

Callback Variables

These variables are related to callbacks received by the chatbot.

Variable Description Evaluation Path
CallbackData The data associated with the callback PerceptData.Data
CallbackId The unique identifier of the callback PerceptData.CallbackId

Chatbot Variables Chart

Here is a chart that summarizes the different types of variables available in a chatbot, along with their corresponding evaluation paths:

Variable Type Evaluation Path
Message Variables  
MessageType PerceptData.MessageType
MessageText PerceptData.MessageData.Text
MessageCaption PerceptData.MessageData.Caption
MessageDate PerceptData.MessageDate
MessageEditDate PerceptData.EditDate
Event Variables  
EventType PerceptData.EventType
EventNewChatTitle PerceptData.EventData.NewChatTitle
NewChatUserUsername PerceptData.EventData.NewChatUser.Username
NewChatUserFirstName PerceptData.EventData.NewChatUser.FirstName
NewChatUserLastName PerceptData.EventData.NewChatUser.LastName
NewChatUserLanguageCode PerceptData.EventData.NewChatUser.LanguageCode
NewChatUserIsBot PerceptData.EventData.NewChatUser.IsBot
LeftChatUserUsername PerceptData.EventData.LeftChatUser.Username
LeftChatUserFirstName PerceptData.EventData.LeftChatUser.FirstName
LeftChatUserLastName PerceptData.EventData.LeftChatUser.LastName
LeftChatUserLangugeCode PerceptData.EventData.LeftChatUser.LanguageCode
LeftChatUserIsBot PerceptData.EventData.LeftChatUser.IsBot
Signal Variables  
SignalName PerceptData.Name
Attribute Variables  
OwnerAttribute OwnerAttribute
UserAttribute UserAttribute
ChatAttribute ChatAttribute
ChatUserAttribute ChatUserAttribute
User Variables  
UserUserId User.UserId
UserUsername User.Username
UserFirstName User.FirstName
UserLastName User.LastName
UserLanguageCode User.LanguageCode
UserIsBot User.IsBot
UserName User.Name
UserPhoneNumber User.PhoneNumber
Chat Variables  
ChatId Chat.ChatId
ChatTitle Chat.Title
ChatType Chat.ChatType
ChatUsername Chat.ChatUsername
Terminal Variables  
BotType Bot.BotType
BotName Bot.Name
State Variables  
StateHearType HearType
StatePerceptType PerceptData.PerceptType
ActionResult ExecutionResult
Forwarded Message Variables  
ForwardedMessageAuthorUserId PerceptData.Forward.Author.UserId
ForwardedMessageAuthorUsername PerceptData.Forward.Author.Username
ForwardedMessageAuthorFirstName PerceptData.Forward.Author.FirstName
ForwardedMessageAuthorLastName PerceptData.Forward.Author.LastName
ForwardedMessageAutorLanguageCode PerceptData.Forward.Author.LanguageCode
ForwardedMessageAuthorName PerceptData.Forward.Author.Name
ForwardedMessageChatId PerceptData.Forward.Origin.ChatId
ForwardedMessageChatType PerceptData.Forward.Origin.ChatType
ForwardedMessageChatTitle PerceptData.Forward.Origin.ChatTitle
ForwardedMessageOriginalMessageDate PerceptData.Forward.OriginalMessageDate
Reply To Message Variables  
ReplyToMessageType PerceptData.ReplyToMessage.MessageType
ReplyToMessageText PerceptData.ReplyToMessage.MessageData.Text
ReplyToMessageMessageCaption PerceptData.ReplyToMessage.MessageData.Caption
Callback Variables  
CallbackData PerceptData.Data
CallbackId PerceptData.CallbackId