
The intelligence section of Reflexia provides users with advanced capabilities to manage and analyze complex data structures, such as chip groups and individual chips.

Chip Groups

Users can create custom chip groups to organize and categorize their data. These chip groups act as containers, allowing users to logically group related chips together based on their specific needs. For example, a user might create chip groups for different product lines, customer segments, or regional markets. For more details on creating and managing chip groups, please refer to the Chip Groups section.


Within each chip group, users can add individual “chips” that represent specific data points or insights. These chips can contain a variety of information, such as performance metrics, customer feedback, market trends, or any other relevant data. Users can easily add, edit, and delete chips as their data evolves. To learn more about adding and configuring individual chips, please visit the Chips section.

Connecting Chips to Terminals

To unlock the full potential of the intelligence section, users can connect their chip groups to various “terminals”. The terminals in the intelligence section serve as conduits, channeling the flows of intelligence and insights contained within the chip groups to end-users.

By leveraging the chip group and chip functionality, users can build a comprehensive, customized intelligence system that aligns with their unique business requirements. This empowers them to make more informed, data-driven decisions that drive their organizational success.